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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work from home

  Polymorphism in OOP programming

Polymorphism is the capability of an action or method to do different things based on the object that it is acting upon. This is the third basic principle of object oriented programming. Overloading, overriding and dynamic method binding are three types of polymorphism. Overloaded methods are methods with the same name signature but either a different number of parameters or different types in the parameter list. For example 'spinning' a num...

   Java,OOP,Polymorphism,Overloading,Overri     2014-10-23 08:11:50

  10 modern technologies we will still use in 2030

Although there is rapid revolution for new technology, some technologies can survive with the passage of time. Here are 10 modern technologies which may continue to exist in 2030. 1. QWERTY keyboard Speech recognition, handwriting recognition and gesture control input will become the trend for the next two decades. Nonetheless QWERTY keyboard input is still one of the most accurate way - although not necessarily the most convenient. Although physical keyboard disappear on phones and tablet PCs, ...

   New technology,Trend     2012-11-12 11:02:02

  Qualities of a great business presentation

When it comes to business, every day in the industry is spent trying to convince someone into buying your brand, your product or services, no doubt you will find yourself making a lot of pitches and presentations for new products, partners and stakeholders among other things. Having great presentation skills is essential to running a successful business and getting as many people believing in your brand as possible. Great presentations have the following qualities Killer slides PowerPoint slides...

       2015-12-03 23:58:41

  Tips for improving PHP efficiency

0. Using single quote to replace double quote to enclose string literal, this will be a bit faster. Because PHP engine will search variables in double quoted string. 1. If a method in class can be declared as static, then make it static, this will be 4 times faster. 2. $row["id"] is 7 times faster than $row[id] 3. echo is faster than print, and you should use multiple parameters instead of string concatenation, i.e use comma(,) instead of dot(.) to concatenate string. For example echo $str1,$str...

   PHP, efficiency, tips     2012-10-01 19:39:06

  Install and setup Kafka on Windows

Kafka has become a very popular distributed message delivery service which decouples different services while making message delivery between service easy, fast and reliable. In this post, we will walk through how to install and set up Kafka on Windows. Pre-requisite Java Apache ZooKeeper Installation Go to Kafka's download link and download the latest stable release, we downloaded 2.2.0 as of this writing. After downloading, copy the installation file to some folder and unzip it.  Sinc...

   KAFKA,STREAM,USER GUIDE     2019-06-01 02:12:07

  How to install Oracle database on Linux using response file

There are two ways to install Oracle database on Linux :1). Using GUI; 2). Using response file. In this post, the method for using response file will be introduced. To install Oracle, please first get the Oracle database installation file ready. It can be downloaded from Oracle OTN. You need to have an Oracle account before you can download them. And there are three major components of the Oracle database installation : 1). The installation itself; 2). The network configuration; 3). Database cre...

   LINUX,HOW TO,ORACLE DATABASE     2017-06-03 04:15:49

  How Speeding The "Most Important Algorithm Of Our Lifetime" Could Change This Modern World

Math breakthroughs don't often capture the headlines--but MIT researchers have just made one that could lead to all sorts of amazing technological breakthroughs that in just a few years will touch every hour of your life. Last week at the Association for Computing Machinery's Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) a new way of calculating Fast Fourier Transforms was presented by a group of MIT researchers. It's possible that under cert...

   FFT,Speed-up,Fast fourier transform     2012-03-20 07:47:04

  Leaving comments in real life

As a programmer I like to write comments because I know that some future person (often me) is going to need to know something about my code that won't be immediately obvious from reading it. Here's a recent example from my homebrew display's code:// protocol_init: Set up a newly powered-on string of lights.  The lights are arranged// in an array wired diagonally starting from the bottom left.  For ease of programming// it's better if they are given numbers which correspond to coor...

   Comment,Programming,Style,Format,Coding standard     2011-11-15 11:42:19

  Don't Give Your Users Shit Work

The problem with shit work is that no one likes doing it, but an awful lot of people say they do.Shit workTake a look at Twitter Lists. The idea behind Twitter Lists was that users would carefully cultivate lists on Twitter of different accounts they’re following (or not following). These could be divided into lists like Family, Friends, Coworkers, People I Find Mildly Attractive, People To Murder, People I Find Mildly Attractive And Want To Murder, and so on.The problem is that, anecdota...

   Design,Facebook,Twitter,User oriented     2011-11-03 13:28:59

  8 Step Guide to Rewrite Articles

Crafting an eye-catching article may be god-gifted talent, for many people. But anyone can learn the skill of article rewriting. You can find articles all around, newspapers, websites, and magazine even at the back of different products. These articles will give a basic understanding of what readers look into articles and what they expect. It will help you to craft an appealing article according to readers demand. For beginners, below you will find a list of four types of articles. Description...

   ARTICLE WRITE,TOOL     2019-05-15 07:58:52